An inseparable pair Many visitors gathered again in Dutovlje for the 51st traditional Teran and Prosciutto Festival, where every year...
On Saturday, May 6th 2023, riders and horse carriages gathered at 8:00 am at Grabnar Inn (Pri Johanu) in Radohova...
A beautiful annual event where equestrians from three neighboring countries come together In celebration of Slovenia's accession to the European...
The traditional spring training, organized by the Association of Lipizzaner Breeders of Slovenia, took place on March 25 at the...
A sunny Saturday, March 4, attracted a large number of members to Lipica, the cradle of the Lipizzaner, to the...
The event was also attended by representatives of ZRLS and some members of the association. 12.01.2022 In the cultural center...